27 Mart 2006

Humanism! mi?

When I was reading this week’s report about “Humanistic Approach” in education, I thought that I should write some words about this subject.Let’s get started with a nice! Sentence:
“We can not teach a person directly; we can only facilitate his learning” (Carl ROGERS)

I have heard this sentences maybe million times during my undergraduate study. But still the question of “How?” stays unanswered for me. That is maybe because of the deep gap between the “theory” and “practice” in education. As a “fresh” teacher, I’m trying to answer this question by applying my own methods. And I’m sure that most of the teachers get older while trying to give the answer to this question.

Anyway! While reading about another humanistic Maslow. I came across that famous ladder (or pyramid whatever you call it!) of needs. He claims that first hunger, thirst, bodily comforts (psychological) needs should be met. Then safety needs… After then belongingness and love needs… And lastly, the need of esteem should be satisfied. At the top of the hill there stays the “self-actualization” However; the problems that I’m facing nowadays force me to stay in the opposite site to Maslow. Here is a famous saying:
“If any need is fully satisfied, there appears no way to motivate students.” (Didem AVDAN)

By the way, is there anyone who has a solution to the conflict between two opposing needs which are belongingness and self-fulfilment needs? To feel the love and safety, to meet the need of knowing and understanding, to become everything that one is capable of becoming… An impossible design of multiprocessing!

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